It seems as if the tree trunk and roots decided to become a part of this ancient structure. They have blended so beautifully.
I am jealous of this young boy. What a scenic view on the way back home from school.
There was so much to see on this light coloured flower. The texture of the petals, the multiple shapes, the water droplets.… I had to use many lights (9 of them) to portray the beauty of this flower.
The synergy between the various elements in the image in terms of colour (the boat, the lake, the sky and the forest) creates a feeling of tranquility.
The Mamallapuram shore temple built in the 7th and 8th Century. I wanted to pay a tribute to the amazing artistes who built this. I light painted it on a full moon night
This was a moment captured when Bombay Jayashree looked up in response to the applause at the end of a song. A pause loaded with emotion.
A painter, who likes to work with minimum colours in an image, would have probably thought of creating a painting like this. The tones have come together beautifully. The sheep seems like it is just where it wants to be. Very content.
For a moment we are perplexed; where are the Lilies growing? The water is almost invisible.
I noticed this play of light & shadows and then saw these two engineers checking a drawing in the vicinity. I requested them to move into the frame where I wanted them, to convey that a lot more construction is in the pipeline. And these men will make it happen.
These Pelicans look like carved statues at an installation, to spread awareness for protecting wildlife in an interesting way.
It was a great and rare opportunity to photograph a steam engine. The achromatic feel of the engine & tracks give that old-world look with the grey-blue rain clouds adding drama to the image. The engine driver was happy to pump out more steam and smoke to add to the powerful look of the engine.
This innocent child has had a tonsure ceremony. He is probably wondering what it was all about.
Looking closely at anything in nature is always a revelation, like the design on the wings of this dragonfly; the selective focus brings this to light.
It is low tide. And it has created a seascape that looks like the surface of the moon. The beach is the link between the ‘lunar scape’ and the earth.
While on a walk one morning, just before sun rise, I saw a coconut washed onto the beach. It looked like it had been travelling the sees for a long time and had finally come to rest. The subtle colours of the wet sand reflecting the magenta clouds, gives this water colour painting feel.
Where did these three small brown rocks come from when the rest is all dark grey. The water rushing by seems to be wrapping itself around the rocks, almost as if it was bearing these rocks as gift.
I first saw this rock formation with the road going through it. It looked so beautiful. And then this person walked into the frame, setting the scale. A miniature presence.
It is all about perspective. This is a mushroom by the roadside seen from a very low angle. This three inch high mushroom had so much happening, hidden under its umbrella. I just had to capture this using a diffused flash.
In nature, the fallen leaves despite clutter, look so good. I wanted to do a studio shot of a clutter of fallen leaves and struggled to make it look good. Finally, lighting the leaves from the bottom gave it this artistic look and I was happy.
The shape of the petals and the way they define this flower were so appealing. I shot it in studio with a contrasty soft light from above and a small background light.
A Cheetah in motion, the fastest land animal on earth, is a visual treat. Then I saw this Cheetah, still as a statue, as if meditating, looking into the far distance. The translucent grass all around, with a soft rim around the Cheetah added to the moment. I had to capture this Zen- like feel.
The designer of this car has done such a great job to the minutest detail. I wanted to take a totally organic shot of the car with very fine-tuned lighting to present the designer’s vision. I kept the background minimal and grey, to create contrast.
I was looking at the lamp, when in my peripheral vision, I saw this beam of light. I moved around to have the lamp overlap the beam, to bring both the light sources together.
Generally we see zebras in groups, in open grasslands. This was an usual sight to see a lone Zebra in a forest.
For the birds, this spectacular golden sunset is a normal sight as they go about their evening routine.
Striking a balance between giving importance to Sachin Tendulkar and the bike was the task. The black outfit that Sachin wore and the mood created by the lighting made it possible.
I definitely chose this funky look. The background colour and the many individual props make the bike stand out, with every detail visible.
The person in the foreground in orange outfit, gives life to this stark set up. While the shadow of the person on left suggests how someone is keeping an eye on the action. And more action in the background. Can’t do without humans.
This fisherwoman is actually looking into the water to see the fish coming to the hook. The water is so clear, that the boat seems to be floating in mid-air.
A pre-sunrise scene of a rocky seashore in low tide. The blur of the foreground water creates that brush stroke effect.
The sheer symmetry of the composition was deliberate, to give utmost importance to this young talented artiste, all set for her ‘Arangetram’
A candid moment captured when TM Krishna was immersed in his music, singing to himself, in the morning light.
The engine was in the yard, getting ready to start its journey in the early morning. I visualized how wonderful it would look against the dawn sky if I painted it with light. Two flashes, from 5 different points. This is the result.
As the petals open up, the colours change in gradation, from dark to light. So many dimensions. A lesson in application of colours by nature.
A Church in Mozart country, Salzburg, Austria. Everywhere I went in Salzburg, the music of Mozart was echoing in my ears.
I was at the vegetable market one day and was picking up some fresh carrots. Feeling the carrots, my mind thought of the handles of my skipping rope and the 3,000 skips, every day, I used to do to warm-up, for my fitness work-out. This image is the metaphor, to keep in mind that the right food and the exercise, go together for fitness.
A very happy moment for this lady to be photographed doing a monotonous job. She could not resist smiling.
What a view! Inviting to dwell over a cup of tea!
Even though the entire frame is mostly warm tone, the leopard rivets our eyes by the perspective it has been captured in and the warm-tone spotlight falling on it.
My first experience of roosters fighting at a festival in Andhra Pradesh. A very big event there. The action was fast and furious. I squatted on the ground and had a ringside view.
It is the law of nature. You win some, you loose some. This one bird could not find a pole to sit on. The water is like clear glass. The reflections add another layer of appeal to the frame.
I watched a building that was not the usual steel and glass structure. I chose this classy building because the silver grey BMW would stand out against the building. The car was positioned such that it reflected the cloudy western sky and some of the building subtly. Even the exterior lights of the building suggest class to go with the brand.
A classic car. A collector’s pride. The front of the car looking so striking. The lighting is a gradation from camera right to left, to just show off the shape, form and colour of the car, with no distraction.
It is just a simple leaf. It is the subtle play of light and shadow that is bringing out the details. The two holes on the leaf were especially striking. The shapes and the position of the holes made the leaf look really nice. As if nature had actually designed it thus.
This miniature cycle sits on my side table at home. On one of my cycling trips, I had parked my cycle and was watching the scenery when I noticed the shadow cast by the cycle. This visual immediately came to mind. However big the shadow, what is lit up is always noticed more, however small it is. Shot in my studio, I deliberately showed a part of the tyres of my cycle.
This is their home; where they have a sense of belonging.
It’s construction time at this factory, creating this graphic look at dusk.
Dhanushkodi means the head of an arrow. A name given to this place eons ago. I wonder how they recognized the shape of the edge of this island from the ground. This is the thought that struck me when I saw it from the helicopter and made the connection between the name and the shape.
This frame within a frame, drew me to walk across this hanging bridge made up of small planks. Such a pollution free way of crossing water bodies. Totally organic.
I wanted the light on the windmill to be seen, as I anticipated that the subtle ambient light all over will create an interesting mood. I waited for the moon to rise to get this picture.
I saw a whole lot of metallic subjects at a scrap dealer’s place. Each had such a unique look and feel. I brought a lot of them into the studio, set them up on a thin bed of metal powder and did this shot. Seen as a collection, these random subjects are so appealing.
I wondered what made these horses walk, as if on parade, through the backwaters of Rameshwaram. They can’t even drink the water.
I saw the translucence of the crab on this beach. I slowly crept close to it to take this picture against the out of focus waves. Just the two eyes popping up is such a sight to behold.
The small area of warm-tone from fire, grabs the attention, while the overall cool-tone is a beautiful contrast. Just what I wanted.
Angkor Vat’s fabulous sculptures are a photographer’s delight. It draws tourists from across the world. Here is a glimpse of visitors seen through carved pillars.
While photographing birds at Chilika lake in Orissa, the sun was setting. Looking through camera and the 600mm lens, the image looked beautiful. I wanted some foreground element to complete the frame and tell a story. This boat with the people came along at the right time. I waited for it to get into the composition, where I wanted it to be and did this shot.
This is in the Andamans. In the far horizon, the sun rises behind the falling rain. The waves crashing on the rocks and the colours, give this picture a distinctive look.
Painted storks on a morning walk, in ankle deep water. No wonder they are fit.
Even a stark, vast industrial space looks attractive when the focus in on light, design and colour.
Aurum lilies generally grow in swamps and slush. People hardly pay attention to them. I found the shape, texture and colour so wonderful that I brought a flower to the studio and tried sculpting it with multiple lights.